Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Time lapse video of sailing

I had mentioned buying a small sailboat in one of my previous posts, and this summer I had several opportunities to try it out with my girlfriend, as well a few trips with friends and family. Admittedly our first attempt didn't go so well with the boat ending up washed up on a rocky dam and us wet, cold, and miserable. But after a couple of fiberglass patches for the hull and some recuperation time we were ready to try again, and I think we are starting to get the hang of it.

On one of our outings I decided to attach a GoPro camera to the top of the mast, and took this video:

That ended up being a good trip, although not particularly long. We sailed around the north end of Lake Newell, near Brooks, AB. It started off as a very windy day and we were wondering at first whether we should go out at all, but as we were our on the water it calmed right down to the point where we were drifting from time to time.

Hopefully I'll be able to get one more sail in before the season is completely over. After that I might just start playing around with some land and ice sailing!

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